Tequesta Notes

notes for a village

young sea turtle coming up for air

· Vote Local ·
Jessica Namath

In every election, all the candidates always say the same thing: "I am the local candidate." So, how can voters look beyond savvy political communications to figure out who really stands for local interests? Look at the long term record. And look at the details.

In this election, which is a critical election for the village of Tequesta because of important looming development decisions, there is actually a real local candidate with a long record of actively promoting vital Tequesta interests. It's important that we as a village get this right. Jessica Namath is the local candidate in this election and we strongly encourage you to vote for Jessica. You can vote in person at the polling stations March 19, 2024 or you can request a mail in ballot to vote by mail: Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections.

Why you should vote for Jessica:

For years, she has been a selfless advocate for village interests in many different aspects of community life. She has a long and sustained record of public service and volunteering—at no personal benefit—to promote local and community interests that are otherwise often neglected.

For example, Jessica is a founding member of the Village's Environmental Advisory Committee (EAC) and current Chair. She has served the Village in this volunteer capacity since 2019.

While on the EAC, Jessica has shown her dedication to preserving the Village she grew up in for future generations. All of her work has been directed to the good stewardship of the qualities of Tequesta that all residents appreciate. And while on the EAC Jessica has undertaken detailed studies of the key governing documents of the Village including the Village's Comprehensive Development Plan, Charter, and Code. She has also actively engaged important decisions on behalf of resident and village interests at Council meetings.

Jessica is a committed volunteer in our community, with a long track record of service. Some of her many past and present volunteer roles include:

She knows Tequesta.

Jessica has lived in the Village for over 35 years. She is committed to keeping it a small town, just like the Village’s mission statement says:

“We will preserve and enhance the unique character, community spirit, small town values, and superior quality of life for all who reside, visit, and work in the Village of Tequesta.”

Village of Tequesta Mission Statement.

Jessica will hit the ground running—working for you—as councilwoman. She has nearly 5 years of service as an EAC member, and has attended and actively participated in many Council meetings over the years. She knows the ropes and is ready to serve.

EAC in Smoke Signals Fall 2023

Jessica in the field with the EAC (click to see a bigger image of the text)


To be perfectly clear, Tequesta Notes is not affiliated with the Jessica Namath campaign. No one asked Tequesta Notes to publish this article and we are not receiving any compensation.

This website is dedicated to topics important to residents of the Village of Tequesta. If you have information concerning important issues for Tequesta or its government (or corrections or suggestions for anything on this website), please email hello@TequestaNotes.org.
